Send us your questions!

If you have any doubt or questions about a lesson, let us know! We’re here to help.

You can send us questions and feedback using your favorite channel among these three:

  1. On Mavenseed, directly under the corresponding lesson. The advantage of doing that is that your question and answer benefit every other student.
  2. On our Discord server where you can ping @gdquest to notify me directly.
  3. Via email, using our contact form.

We’ll generally reply promptly, but please allow up to two business days for the answers.

While we do our best to release complete and peer-reviewed tutorials, you may stumble upon a bug or a typo. When that happens, we’d be grateful if you could let us know!

Constructive critiques are also always welcome. We’re always looking for ways to improve our courses.

We hope you’ll enjoy PCG Secrets!